Intersection Decision Support

Intersection Decision Support

We love that the Delphi ESR RADAR products (sold by AutonomouStuff!) are being used in the Intersection Decision Support project.

Intersections account for more than two million crashes in the United States every year. In rural areas crashes are often more severe than in urban areas because of higher vehicle speeds and longer emergency response times. Over 60 percent of all intersection-related fatal crashes in Minnesota between 1998 and 2000 occurred at rural through-stop intersections—typically where a high-speed high-volume rural highway crosses a low-volume feeder road.

Intersection Decision Support

Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems—Stop Sign Assist (CICAS-SSA)
The ITS Institute is currently part of the United States Department of Transportation’s national research effort to reduce intersection crashes. The research focuses on an infrastructure-based driver-assistive system to help prevent collisions at rural highway intersections without disrupting traffic flow. A three-year field test of the CICAS-SSA system began in January 2010 when the first system was activated at the intersection of U.S. Highway 52 and County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 9 in Goodhue County near Cannon Falls Minnesota. This intersection was chosen because a statewide analysis of through-stop expressway intersections showed it had a history of serious crashes and fatalities—for which unsafe gap acceptance was a key contributing factor.

In Wisconsin they went from three crashes per year (and averaging 5 fatalities every six years) to ZERO crashes last year. In Minnesota we went from 6 crashes to three at for the first year. Each of the systems will run for three years to determine long-term effects.

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